Using a Snifter, this lady poured out tall and dark, boasting a one finger head of light amber foam. The nose is overwhelmed my malts and light notes of hops and woodiness. But as the first drink comes in you realize this lady isn't as sweet as she seems. Hops flood the palate. They are then flanked by a malts creating a smooth sweet flavor displaying a hoppy finish, lingering as if you were sipping an IPA. The Indian Brown Ale's medium body and mild carbonation worked well with its malty essence leaving a pleasant feeling across your palate.
Indian Brown Ale is a cross between a scotch ale, american brown, and an IPA. This beer distinguishes great qualities from each style of beer. The aroma of a scotch ale blended with the crisp hoppyness of an IPA followed by the smooth malt character of a brown ale. I want another.
Appearance: A
Smell: A
Taste: A
Mouth Feel: A-
Overall A
Indian Brown Ale
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, Delaware
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