Thursday, April 28, 2011

Avery India Pale Ale

The Avery IPA poured out a one finger head on a pedestal of light, filtered amber.  At first, the nose catches a sweet hoppy aroma, followed by fruity esters that spice the aromatics.  The Avery IPA has a two part taste.  The palate is greeted first by a sweet malty flavor, then closely followed by a flood of hops and hints of grapefruit that flood your taste buds.  As the Avery IPA leaves the mouth a distinct after taste is left lingering on the palate; with the front of the mouth mildly dry with a light malty flavor and the back featuring grapefruit hints and hoppiness. 

Appearance       - B+
Smell                 - A-
Taste                 - B-
Mouth Feel        - C+
Overall              - B

India Pale Ale
Avery Brewing Company
Boulder, Colorado

Green Flash, Pizza Port Carlsbad, Stone; High 78 Scotch Ale

Pours a like a giant redwood with a lush 3 finger head that quickly crumbled to the ground. The alcohol was very distinct like a stranger slapping you in the face with a oaky wooden paddle. Malts are a def. sweetness is present and bitterness is short. Medium carbonation, medium body, smooth finish nough said. Its a great beer. A fantastic collaboration that makes me want to try the other companies pizza port and green flash. A decent fetch.

Appearance B
Smell B-
Taste B+
Mouthfeel B+
Overall B+

-Yo!!! Its DC87

Highway 78 Scotch Ale
A Collaboration by
Green Flash, Pizza Port Carlsbad, Stone
Escondido, CA

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deschutes Inversion IPA

With a tilted glass and a gentle pour, the Inversion IPA still produced a two finger head bulging over the rim of glass.  Still bubbling from its pour, the body of the beer shows off a deep amber color, dappled with suspended, unfiltered sediment.  Inversion's scent projects smooth malts blended with a light, crisp, hoppy bite.

Inversion has a taste that can best be described as smooth.  First, sharp hop notes blended with light caramel and citrus hints claim your palate.  After swallowing, a sweet grapefruit aftertaste remains.  

This is a good blend.  The smooth flavor and drinkability mask Inversion IPA's 6.8% alcohol very well.  

Appearance  - A+
Smell           - B+
Taste           - A-
Mouth Feel   - A-
Overall Rating   B+

Inversion IPA
Deschutes Brewery
Bend, Oregon


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale Ale

With an straight pour and no tilt of the glass, the head foamed up to a half inch of creamy seduction.  It's light amber hue allows light to shine through, exposing its clean filtered essence.  The first scent is won by malts with hop notes lightly accenting its pungency.  The smell is refreshing, leaving you eager to taste it.  As it floods the palate, the smooth maltyness and light hoppy finish blend to reveal floral qualities that leave a pleasant taste.  As it passes the epiglottis and descends the esophagus a sweet, hoppy taste is left in your mouth.

The beer is amazing but I feel that a full spectrum of flavor was not achieved.  Overall I would rate the Mirror Pond Pale Ale a A-

Appearance - A
Smell           - A+
Taste           - B+
Mouth Feel  - A
Overall Rating   A-

- Jake

Mirror Pond Pale Ale
Deschutes Brewery
Bend, Oregon 

In the beginning...

Beverage elitists have been gathering for generations to sip, smell, and enjoy the complexities of beer. Men like Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin and Plato found adventure in the symphony of malts and hops dancing across their palate in a choreographed blend of flavor excellence.   We are no different.  We are but three dudes with seasoned palates destined to experience the world-wide abundance of flavors.  In the ensuing posts we will recapture the essence of various beers, wines and foods as we venture out on our own to wherever life takes us.