Appearance: Pours an orangey apple juice with a 2.5 finger head.
Aroma: Floral hops, like it’s been fermented for 90 minutes (which it is!). Best smelling beer EVER. I am also picking up sweet malts.
Taste: Sweet malts like caramel popcorn, with an equal punch of a grapefruity citrus finish.
Mouthfeel: Incredibly smooth. Hides the booziness well.
Overall: One of the maltiest IPA’s I’ve ever had, BUT also one of the best IPA’s I’ve ever had. Tremendous beer.
Ap- A-
Ar- A+
Ta- A+
Mf- A
Overall- A
While you hopefully enjoy this beer while reading our review, here's a great video that pairs nicely.
90 Minute IPA
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, Delaware