Monday, June 6, 2011

Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

I've had this one before, but I needed at least 2 of these to truly call this one a favorite.  I can now safely say it is.  Here's what I've found.

Appearance:  Pours an orangey apple juice with a 2.5 finger head. 
Aroma:  Floral hops, like it’s been fermented for 90 minutes (which it is!).  Best smelling beer EVER.  I am also picking up sweet malts.
Taste:  Sweet malts like caramel popcorn, with an equal punch of a grapefruity citrus finish. 
Mouthfeel:  Incredibly smooth.  Hides the booziness well.
Overall:  One of the maltiest IPA’s I’ve ever had, BUT also one of the best IPA’s  I’ve ever had. Tremendous beer.  
Ap-  A-
Ar-  A+
Ta-  A+
Mf-  A
Overall- A

While you hopefully enjoy this beer while reading our review, here's a great video that pairs nicely.

90 Minute IPA
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, Delaware 

Southern Tier 2XIPA

Again, this one is from my notes.

Appearance:  Straw colored.  Looks a bit like I peed in my glass....
Aroma:  I get a floral hop nose with alot of malt backing.  Very piney and resiny.
Taste:  Bitter hops upfront with a well rounded malt following.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a lingering bitterness.  Very pleasant.
Overall-  A good DIPA.  Well balanced but not quite as refreshing as other DIPA's.  One I'll continually come back to when I get the chance.

Overall- A-

Southern Tier Brewing Company
Lakewood, New York


Terrapin Monk's Revenge Belgian IPA

Appearance: unfiltered hazy orange. A-
Aroma: spicy, fruity, sharp.  B+
Taste: lacks on rear end, but has a sugary sweetness.  A-
Mouthfeel:  Lingering sweet bitterness.  Light on the tongue.  B+
Overall:  Hard to not to compare to Flying Dog’s Raging Bitch, but there are such striking similarities.  Unfortunately, not quite as flavorful as Raging Bitch, but still a solid Belgian IPA.

Overall- B+
Monk's Revenge Belgian IPA
Terrapin Brewery
Athens, Georgia
